
A few things….


1. I’m back…..about two months later than I wanted to be, but we’ve been sick, sick, and sicker

2. We’re better now.

3. I’ve taken the time to complete a photo book of all my pictures from 2011 at blurb.com I’m so excited to see it!

4. I’ll be posting photos from the last couple of months, don’t worry.

5. Nate is starting school in 2 weeks, so I will have time to blog while he does homework (sad about homework….happy about blogging)

6. We’ve been playing carcassone every night…if you’ve never played it, learn now!

7. This has been the weirdest winter…we’ve gone from ice storm, to pouring rain and thunderstorms, to HOT weather (hot for January…poor Joel’s head was all sweaty), to blizzardy snow….all in 5 days.

8. Joel learned how to say “why”. I might go crazy.

9. Selah is taking her first steps.

10. For the month of November, I didn’t take a single dslr photo. Oh instagram…..

11. I’m getting better about not just taking photos with my phone.

12. Follow me on instagram: onceundertheappletree

13.Check out the photo my sister took:  it’s so beautiful

14. That’s all.

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Yes, I know. I have been missing for a few weeks. October is Mr. HHF’s busiest time at work, so I have been spending every free moment either trying to stay on top of things at home while he is gone or spending time with him during the short moments he is home. I’ve also been getting busier with midwifery and photography.

Although I love blogging and I love my 365 project, and although I thought I would have enough time for a 365 this year, I’m quickly finding that with 2 little kids and 2 side jobs, I don’t have time to post every day. Also, I’m wanting to fully enjoy Nate’s extra time home this winter. So, I’ve made the (very hard) decision to put my 365 on hold until next spring. I’ll still post occasionally….a couple times a month….and I’ll pick up where I left off next spring.

For now, I’ll be enjoying tea and maybe actually finish some of the books I started reading last spring, extra time for pinterest projects, reading books to my littles, and playing games with my hubby. Muah!

I’ll just finish posting our fall family pics too while I have a few minutes 🙂
The white blanket is our duvet cover. I got the lace tights for free from Mommy’s Little Sunshine.

Mr. HHF took the photos of me and Selah. He’s getting pretty good at shooting in manual.

“I want cookie NOOOOOOW!!!” Sometimes you just have to post the “real life” photos.

Our lame attempt at a family picture….first try (camera on self-timer)

Second try….we have an escapee!

Third try….Joel finally got his “cookie” which was actually a cracker…and Selah wants some too.


5th try…MAJOR fail! So we gave up. Again, it’s real life, people.

Tractors make everything better.